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Walk soft on the beach

Hans Hanson   

Full professor in Coastal Engineering, Division of Water Resources, Department of Building and  Environmental Technology 

Professor Hans Hanson’s main research area concerns the development of numerical models for long-term coastal evolution. This work covers more than 30 years of cooperation with US Army Corps of Engineers. He has also experience in field studies on harbour shoaling, physical modelling of wave motions in harbours, dredging criteria for environment protection, sediment threshold under oscillatory waves, field studies on long shore sediment transport, sea-level rise issues and Coastal Zone Management. Besides, he has extensive experience from working in international projects in, e.g., Mozambique, Egypt, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Vietnam, Mauritius, Seychelles, USA, Portugal, Brazil, British Guyana, Italy, Spain, and Japan. Regarding to publications, he has been authors of more than 230 Technical Reports, Conference Papers, and Journal Articles. Furthermore, he has been invited as Visiting Researcher/Professor to many places abroad such as Coastal Engineering Research Center (USA), Texas A&M University (USA), James Cook University (Australia), Ministry of Public Works (Australia), University of Queensland (Australia), Ministry of Public Works (Spain), Universidad de Granada (Spain). Beside his academic life, he has been working more than 25 years as a senior consultant and Sweco Consulting Engineer, looking at coastal problems in almost every coastal municipality in south Sweden, and 20 years for SSPA Maritime Consulting, mainly in international multi-disciplinary projects.

Contact Information: 

Telephone: +46462228987


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